
月配当時数Unit(単元)題材★言語の使用場面★言語の働き主な言語材料Part聞く話す(発表)話す(やりとり)読む書く表現例語彙・語句例97Unit 4She can sing well.できること★日常生活,学校での活動★説明する・報告する・質問するI can (run fast). How about you?I can’t (run fast).Can you (y)?Yes, I can. [No, I can’t.]She’s[He’s] (Momoka[Taiga]).She[He] can’t (play the guitar).She[He] can (sing well).● 動作 (swim, dance, cookなど)● 身の回りの物 (unicycle, bicycle, piano, guitarなど)● スポーツ (volleyball, soccerなど)● 食べ物 (curry and rice, chicken riceなど)● 動物(kangaroo, penguinなど)1◎○2◎○◎3◎◎◎10Let’s Read and Write 4○◎◎7Unit 5This is my sister.身近な人の紹介★他者の紹介★説明する・質問するWho’s this?She’s[He’s] my (mother[brother]).(Hana), are you good at (cooking)?Yes, I am. [No, I’m not.](Hana) is[is not] good at (cooking).This is (my friend).She’s[He’s] (Tomomi[Yamato]).She’s[He’s] (smart).● 家族 (mother, fatherなど)● 得意なこと (swimming, dancingなど)● 特徴 (strong, kind, brave, friendlyなど)1◎○2◎◎◎3◎◎11Let’s Read and Write 5○◎◎7Unit 6I want to go to France.行きたい国★旅行計画★意見を言う・承諾する・断る・質問する・誘うWhere do you want to go?I want to go to (Italy).Why?I want to (eat pizza).Let’s go to (India)!We can (eat curry).● 国名 (France, India, China, Kenyaなど)● 動作 (visit, play, drink, eat, see, buyなど)● 食べ物 (pizza, curryなど)1◎◎◎2◎○◎3◎◎12Let’s Read and Write 6○◎◎2REVIEW 2★勧める◎◎○17Unit 7Where’s the park?位置・場所★道案内★呼び掛ける・説明する・質問する・命令するWhere’s (the cat)?It’s (on the chair).(The cat) is (on the chair).Go straight.Turn (left) at (the park).It’s (on your right).● 位置 (on, in, by, underなど)● 身の回りの物 (pen, T-shirt, bagなど)● 建物・施設 (hospital, station, restaurantなど)1◎○2◎◎3◎◎◎2Let’s Read and Write 7○◎◎7Unit 8I’d like pizza.料理・金額★食事・買物★呼び掛ける・承諾する・質問する・依頼するWhat do you want for lunch?I want (curry and rice).What would you like?I’d like (pizza).How is it?It’s (delicious).This is (the Healthy Lunch).How much is it?It’s (four hundred) yen.● 飲食物 (steak, salad, cakeなど)● 味 (sweet, spicy, sourなど)● 金額(999 yenまで)1◎◎◎2◎○◎3◎◎3Let’s Read and Write 8○◎◎2REVIEW 3★依頼する・命令する◎◎○◎ 特に重点を置いて育成する技能○ 扱う技能25

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