In spring, the nights are shorter and the stars shine for longer, making it easier to spot constellation, and combined with the mild weather, it is the perfect season to enjoy constellation.
Boö tes
Boö tes is one of the 48 constellation established by Claudius Ptolemy, with an area of 906 square degrees and 140 naked eye stars. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Arcas, the son of the nymph Callisto, was transformed into a bear and was raised up into the sky by Zeus along with his mother. The story of Ursa Minor later spread, and although it is better known today, going back through history it seems that Boö tes has also been passed down since ancient times. [Sources of the story] New Edition of the Encyclopedia of constellation Ursa Minor (Kawade Shobo Shinsha Co., Ltd. (February 2011) Dictionary of the Cultural History of Stars (Hakusuisha Co., Ltd. (December 2019)
Libra was set up by Claudius Ptolemy, one of 88 constellation and one of ecliptic twelve constellation It is constellation based on the balance held by Astraea, the goddess of justice. According to tradition, this balance is used to decide the fate of human beings and to judge the goodness or badness of people. It also identifies the Virgo immediately next to it as an astraea. It is also said that Libra was part of Scorpius until the end of the Greek period. [Source of the story] The whole sky constellation Encyclopedia, New Edition, Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011) Hajimete no constellation Guide, Seibundo Shinkosha (July 2001) constellation Astronomical Observations Illustrated Book, Seibido-Shuppan (2002)
Hydra was set up by Claudius Ptolemy. It has an area of 1303 square degrees and 228 naked-eye stars. Claudius Ptolemy It is one of 48 constellation in the world. It has the largest area of the 88 constellation that are present. It is long from east to west and the entire constellation area can be seen only in spring. According to a legend, a crow was told by Apollo to bring a cup of wine from a spring on earth, and it waited for days for the figs to ripen so that it could eat them. The crow took the cup and a water snake from the spring and lied that the snake would use up all the water in the spring every day. But Apollo knew the truth, and the raven was punished by being banished to the human world for a long time. It is said that Apollo made the raven, the cup, and the water serpent constellation as a warning against deceptive deeds to deceive the gods. However, the later constellation was to be the hydra, a nine-headed monster serpent that lived in the swamps of Lernae, which was vanquished by the hero Hercules. [Source of the story] Hoshi no Bunka Shi Shi Jiten Jiten, Hakusuisha, Inc. (December 2019) Zeniten constellation Encyclopedia, Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011)
Virgo was established by Claudius Ptolemy. Its area is 1294 square degrees and it has 167 stars that can be seen with the naked eye. It is one of the 48 constellation of Claudius Ptolemy and also one of ecliptic twelve constellation. The first magnitude star Spica, which forms part of Virgo, means "ear of wheat". The oldest myth of Virgo is the story of Astraea (Dike) told in Aratus's "Phaenomena". In the Golden Age, when people lived peacefully and peacefully, Dike, the goddess of justice, lived with people on earth and provided them with what they needed. Then, in the Silver Age and the Bronze Age, people began to make weapons and fight each other. Dike, fed up with this, rose to the sky and became Virgo. After Dike became constellation, she was called Astraea. In the Virgo constellation picture, the feather pen held in her right hand is the symbol of the goddess of justice, and Libra at her feet is said to be Astraea's scales of justice. [Sources of the story] Encyclopedia of the Cultural History of Stars, constellation Publishing Co., Ltd. (December 2019) Encyclopedia of the Constellations, Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011)
Leo is one of the 48 constellation established by Claudius Ptolemy. It has an area of 947 square degrees and 118 naked-eye stars. It is one of the twelve ecliptic constellation. In Greek mythology, the lion of Leo is said to be a man-eating lion from the Nemean marshes that was defeated by Hercules. This lion was the son of Typhon and Echidna and was immortal, but there is a legend that Hercules chased it into a cave and killed it by strangling it without using any weapons. This lion slaying was one of the 12 labors of Hercules, and in the "Katastelismoi" and "Astronomical Poems," there is also a myth that Zeus made the lion constellation because it is the king of all beasts. [Source of the story] Encyclopedia of the Cultural History of Stars, Hakusuisha Co., Ltd. (December 2019) Encyclopedia of the Complete constellation Constellations, Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011)
Cancer was established by Claudius Ptolemy. Its area is 506 square degrees and it has 97 stars visible to the naked eye. Ptolemy is one of the 48 constellation of Eos and one of constellation ecliptic It is a dim constellation of only 4th or 5th magnitude, but in the center of the crab's shell, there is an open cluster M44 Praesepe that can be seen with the naked eye. In Mesopotamia, Cancer was called "Kush", which means turtle or crab. In Greek mythology, it was a monster crab sent by the goddess Hera when the hero Hercules fought the monster Hydra, and was crushed by Hercules. However, it is said that Hera made it into constellation because it fought well. [Source of the story] Encyclopedia of the Cultural History of Stars, Hakusuisha Co., Ltd. (December 2019) Encyclopedia of the All Sky constellation, Kawade Shobo Shinsha (February 2011)
Ursa Minor
Ursa Minor was created by Claudius Ptolemy. It is constellation that looks like a smaller version of the Big Big Dipper. It is said that Arcas, the son of Callisto, who is the big bear in Ursa Major, is the true identity of this little bear. When Arcas entered the forest and tried to shoot Callisto in the form of a bear, not knowing that she was his mother, Zeus transformed Arcas into Ursa Minor and raised him up to heaven to prevent him from killing his parents.
Ursa Major
Ursa Major was established by Claudius Ptolemy. Big Dipper is the arrangement of stars that form the body and long tail of Ursa Major. According to Greek mythology, the big bear in Ursa Major is said to be Callisto, a beautiful nymph. Callisto was a maid to Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunting, and always accompanied her. Without Artemis's knowledge, Callisto fell in love with Zeus and became pregnant. There are various theories about what happened next, but an angry Artemis (or Zeus' wife Hera) was jealous and cursed Callisto. Callisto quickly transformed into a big bear. Callisto disappeared into the forest and was later raised up into the sky with her son Arcas. However, it is said that Zeus threw her up while still holding her tail, which caused it to stretch and become long.