About Aries
- alphabetAries
- Katakana, OnyomiAries
Aries is one of the 48 Claudius Ptolemy constellation. ecliptic is also one of the 12 constellation, with an area of 441 square degrees and 85 naked eye stars.
According to the Katasterismoi, Aries is a flying ram with golden fleece.
According to legend, when Phrixus, the son of Athamas, the king of Thessaly, and his sister Helle were bullied by their stepmother Ino and were about to be sacrificed to the gods, their mother Nephele sent a flying golden ram, obtained from Hermes or Zeus, to help the two escape.
[Source of the story]
New Edition of the Encyclopedia constellation, February 2011)
Cultural History of Stars Encyclopedia (Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd.) (December 2019)
The Tale of Aries
Even the same constellation is viewed and has different anecdotes depending on the era.
We will introduce stories about Aries in each era and region.